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Congresso IBRADEMP – 20 anos
Segunda edição da Recht & Steuern in Brasilien 2024
Primeira edição de 2024 da Rech & Steuern

IBRADEMP Congress - 20 years Last week, we participated in the IBRADEMP 20 years Congress, which celebrated two decades of excellence, learning and advances in the field of Business Law. During 2 days of immersion, we connected with the main names in this area and followed discussions relevant trends and perspectives.

July 2, 2024

Second edition of 2024 of Rech & Steuern With great satisfaction, we share the publication of an article by our partner Bruno Zanatta in the 2nd edition of Recht & Steuern in Brasilien 2024, of the Brazil-Germany Chamber of São Paulo | AHK Brazil. The text offers a concise analysis of the implementation and

June 26, 2024

First edition of 2024 by Rech & Steuern The closure of a company in Brazil is a complex situation that involves a large volume of processes to ensure full compliance with legislation and tax regulations. In an article published in the first 2024 edition of Rech & Steuern, a newsletter from

March 21, 2024